Highlight of Italy

Highlight of Italy
Jeff and I on our dream vacation!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

FAM Trip today!

We went on a FAM trip to familiarize ourselves with Ethiopia! It was very interesting! Our driver, Melaku, took us up the mountain, which was about a thousand feet higher than the Embassy. I am attaching the pictures of our tour: 
Going up the mountain in Addis Ababa

Tribal Women walk 3 to 4 trips a day down the mountain carrying  eucalyptus for firewood

Eucalyptus trees

This is a smoke house

 This is an Orthodox priest

The van that Jeff's work shares

Our little Seth

Front Melaku, Mark, and George  in back (Jeff's comrades) 

 Going back down the mountain

 Taking a rest from carrying firewood

 Most Students wear uniforms to school
A secondary school

 Selling Sandals

 Ethiopian Shops

 Blue Donkey - Ethiopian taxi. We are banned from riding because of the crime.

 There are many Roundabouts in Addis.

 This is a church - there was a minister preaching with everyone gathered. Most Ethiopians are Orthodox Christian.

 Addis has sidewalks but rarely used - they walk in the streets. That is why it is so dangerous to drive!

 A building under construction

 This rock pile is an Elderly Ethiopian woman's house. There are also a lot of lean to's that people build
Interesting Tidbit: The name Ethiopia derived, from the Greek form, aithiopia, from the two words aitho, “I burn”, and ops, “face”. It would hence mean the colored man’s land — the land of the scorched faces.


  1. This is awesome! I love the pictures! Keep 'em coming!

  2. Hey sis... Thanks for the update and the photos!! Very interesting.. :) been thinking of you all constantly!! Please be safe and give Seth and yourself & Jeff a BIG hug!! Miss and Love you!! your sis Wen!!

  3. Amazing pictures! Thanks for sharing. Keep them coming, I love seeing your new adventurous life! Love you, and hope you are all well.


  4. Hi Jenny, hope you are all feeling better by now. The pictures are so interesting! Abrehet, our Ethiopian neighbor just came home last Sunday and I am not sure when she is going back. She agreed that you have to be very careful with the food, and her husband said that she gets sick every time that she goes back. Take care, love you much, Aunt Sandy

  5. Hey sis CONGRATS ON YOUR BEAUTIFUL HOME!!! WOWZA!! Very nice!! When will you get your things? Or did you get it all already? Sure love ya!
